There are a few places left that maintain the promise of a wild Napa and the Land Trust works to protect these wilderness treasures before its too late. 

Our Impact: the Land Trust owns and operates a Permanent Preserve Network accessible year-round for recreation via our Field Trip Program. In addition, the below private landowners have conserved thousands of acres forever wild opens space via conservation easement.

Boggs Mountain (1980) ~ Carol Hills

206 acres of forest, meadows, and stream habitat adjacent to Boggs Mountain State Forest in Lake County.

Ralph H. Cechettini (1995, 1998)

A total of 42 acres adjoining the Carmelite Monastery.

Hans and Jennifer Baerwald (1994)

80 acres of open space and oak woodlands retaining a single residence in Pope Valley. 

Sandia P. Banks (2004)

20 acres of native grasslands and vernal pools on Atlas Peak next to Milliken Watershed.

Creston Station Ranch (2002, 2003) ~ Thelma Batchelor, Jane and Peter Berton, Charles and Gwendolyn Halterman, Karen Rippey

570 acres of open space along Jamieson Canyon road, forever protecting this important scenic corridor from development.

Niebaum Coppola (1995) ~ Francis Ford and Eleanor Coppola

382 acres of near-pristine, undeveloped forest lands in the western hills near Oakville.

di Rosa Art Preserve (1993) and Milliken Peak (1997) ~ Rene di Rosa

216 acres of open space in the Carneros District, including lake and wildlife habitat, allowing an extensive modern art collection housed in galleries and displayed outdoors.

Dunlap (2003)

80 acres near the Foote Mt. George Botanical Preserve, protecting native wildflowers, oak woodlands, and several tributary streams to Sarco Creek.

Eagle Rock (1981) ~ Mab Ashforth and Bo Goldman

260 acres of ridgeland forest and meadow on the uplands of Lake Hennessey, adjacent to the Moore

Creek Wilderness Park.

David and Nancy Garden (1991)

607 acres open grasslands west of St. Helena.

Homestake McLaughlin (2002) ~ Homestake Mining Company

The Land Trust’s largest conservation easement, the Homestake McLaughlin conservation easement encompasses 6,125 acres in Napa, Lake, and Yolo counties, the vast majority of which will be forever protected as natural open space and managed as an ecological reserve by the UC Davis Natural Reserve System.

Hopper Creek (2008) ~ Anonymous

67 acres in Napa County’s western hills, highly visible, of with Douglas fir and coast live oak forests and Hopper Creek running through.

Iron Mine Stream (1984, 1985) ~ Michael and Alexandra Marston

220 acres of forever-wild lands overlooking the Napa Valley near St. Helena.

Doug Ivey (2004)

9 acres of vernal pools and native grasses on Atlas Peak.

Carmelita French (1989)

43 acres of forested hills northwest of St. Helena.

Duncan and Pat Haynes, Irene Haynes (1993)

22 acres forever-wild hillside viewshed on Highway 128 near Calistoga.

Rudin Johnson (1998)

200 acres of hillside and ridgetop east of Calistoga.

La Herradura Ranch (1983) ~ Ellen W. MacVeagh

A 363-acre wildland preserve in Conn Valley.

La Vigne (2005) ~ Shea Homes

44 acres of wetland with red-legged frog habitat and open space upland, now owned by the City of American Canyon

Landry (1985), Bella Oaks (2007) ~ Cara Landry

Landry is 320 acres of protected habitat and scenic ridgeline with limited residential use near Oakville Grade. Bella Oaks is 64 acres of protected bay-oak forest.

Live Oaks(1995) ~ Anonymous

517 acres of ranch property with mixed oak woodland bridging Napa and Sonoma Counties.

The Jack and Bernice Newell Regional Open Space (1999) ~ Jack and Bernice Newell

642 acres of open space and wildlife habitat, including an important raptor migration resting area, in the hills east of American Canyon.  The Newells donated the land to the City of American Canyon to create the Newell Open Space Preserve.

Jayson Pahlmeyer (2000)

57 acres of undeveloped chaparral open space near Atlas Peak.

Amalia Palmaz (2005)

32 acres of open space and wildlife habitat adjacent to the Foote Mt. George Botanical Preserve.

Anita and Oliver Pearson (2001)

14 acres of natural habitat and municipal watershed protection land, adjacent to City of Napa-owned Milliken Reservoir property near Atlas Peak.

Noelle and Pete Peterson (1989)

42 acres of forested hills northwest of St. Helena.

Quail Ridge Reserve (1986 – 2003) ~ Quail Ridge Wilderness Conservancy, UC Davis Natural Reserve System

811 acres of pristine oak woodlands, chaparral, and native grasses jointly owned and managed as a wilderness reserve and for ecological research and environmental education by Quail Ridge Wilderness Conservancy, UC Davis Natural Reserve System, Fish and Game, Bureau of Land Management, and the Bureau of Reclamation.

Redwood Meadows (<1997) ~ Johanna and Hans Burkhardt

73 acres of forested open space that allows for sustainable harvest of redwood and Douglas fir.

Sentinel Hill (2004) ~ Randy and Lori Dunn

64 acres of mature Douglas fir forest encompassing scenic Sentinel Hill in Angwin.

The Sharpsteen Family Trust (1996)

63 acres of Douglas fir and oak woodlands with residences and a hay meadow near Calistoga.

Spring Mountain (2009) ~ Carroll & Christina Ballard

58 acres atop Spring Mountain, spanning both Napa and Sonoma Counties, protects agriculturally productive land and relatively undisturbed stands of mixed hardwood/conifer forests along with headwaters for Santa Rosa Creek

Grace St. Amand (1990)

60 acres on Dry Creek Road of open space and wildlife habitat.

Sulu Canyon (2007) ~ Chamberlain family

49 acres of mixed Manzanita chaparral and oak woodland riparian habitat along Dry Creek Road.

Marguerite Thomas Trust (2001)

31 acres of scenic open space and native oak woodlands on Silverado Trail north of Yountville.